Article name The economic and organizational mechanism for mining equipment repair transferring work and services of to the specialized organizations
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 33
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­6-95-101
Article type Scientific
Annotation The economic and organizational mechanism for transferring works and services for the repair of mining equipment to specialized organizations is considered. It is noted that the performance of such works and services on its own is associated with the dispersion of production facilities, leads to an increase in the share of manual labor in the repair industry, a decrease in the quality of work, and violations of the repair regulations, as a result – labor intensity and repair costs are significantly increased. Specialized repair and mechanical enterprises are used for these purposes, which perform technical inspections, current and capital repairs of technological equipment, manufacture of separate units and parts for this equipment at a higher technical level, and in some cases, its installation. It is shown that in the conditions of the spontaneously developing market, the formation of small and medium-sized mining enterprises, it is quite difficult for the customer enterprise to choose the most acceptable option among applicants for repair work in accordance with the specifics of field operation, the list of mining equipment used, work organization, climatic conditions etc. An algorithm is proposed for making a final decision when choosing a specialized organization for the repair of mining equipment, which includes gathering information on specialized organizations; development and presentation of their own requirements to these organizations; preliminary estimation of the apparent additional effect by the enterprise-customer; consideration of proposals for the price of works and services provided by a specialized organization; comparison of the cost price of works or services of the enterprise with the price offered by the specialized organization, with calculation of annual economic effect; full recalculation of the cost of works and services, taking into account the redistribution of fixed costs, changes in the number, structure of assets and other factors, with further adjustment of the annual economic effect; assessment of the costs associated with the transfer of works and services of a specialized organization in connection with the liquidation of the assets withdrawal offices, the transfer of personnel, etc .; determination of the payback period of costs associated with the transfer of works and services; choice of the most effective option for the transfer of works and services of a specialized organization by criteria - annual economic effect and payback period
Key words specialized organizations for repair of mining transport equipment; mining transport equipment; cost of works or services; cost price; labor intensity; organization of work; algorithm; price; structure of assets; payback period of costs; annual economic effect
Article information Glotov V., Maximova E. The economic and organizational mechanism for mining equipment repair transferring work and services of to the specialized organizations // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 95-101
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Full articleThe economic and organizational mechanism for mining equipment repair transferring work and services of to the specialized organizations