Article name Infiltration Influence of liquid atmospheric precipitation on the formation of the temperature regime of frozen soils
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 551.345
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­6-4-14
Article type Scientific
Annotation The infiltration influence of liquid atmospheric precipitation on the formation of the temperature regime of frozen soils is considered. It is noted that summer precipitation is a meteorological process that is variable in time and space and is one of the defining parameters for the formation of the temperature regime of soils. In order to assess the effect of summer precipitation infiltration on the temperature regime of soils in Central Yakutia, a full-scale experiment was conducted with an artificial increase in the amount of precipitation at one of the two sites, all other things being equal. It is established that an increase in the amount of summer precipitation in three times in the first year leads to an increase in soil temperature at different depths by 0,2... 1,7 ˚С in the annual cycle. However, in subsequent years, with the continuation of the experiment with additional irrigation, a decrease in the average annual soil temperatures was observed on the experimental site. It is concluded that an increase in the amount of summer precipitation in three times a long time, depending on the mode of their fallout, other things being equal, and their effect on the temperature regime may have a cooling effect in the conditions of Central Yakutia. This is due to the increase in humidity, and in the subsequent - the iceness of soils as a result of their saturation with moisture, with a change in the thermophysical properties and heat of phase transitions
Key words infiltration of atmospheric precipitation; ground temperature regime; permanently frozen ground; active layer; seasonally-active permafrost; ground temperature; heat flux; full-scale experiment; Central Yakutia
Article information Zhirkov A., Zheleznyak M., Permyakov P., Kirillin A., Verkhoturov A. Infiltration Influence of liquid atmospheric precipitation on the formation of the temperature regime of frozen soils // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 4-14
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Full articleInfiltration Influence of liquid atmospheric precipitation on the formation of the temperature regime of frozen soils