Article name Statistical analysis of state support effectiveness of subjects of small and medium business
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 330.83: 338.49
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-5-118-124
Article type Scientific
Annotation In Russia, there are various forms of support for small and medium-sized businesses. In particular, these include subsidies, grants, training and internships for young entrepreneurs, preferential provision of premises for entrepreneurial activities, etc. Support for small and medium-sized businesses is provided by state and non-state organizations. State measures to support small and medium-sized businesses are regulated by the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation. The article analyzes the results of the state support of small and medium-sized businesses on the basis of statistical reporting. The aspects of subsidizing, some forms of lending, provision of premises are presented. The effectiveness and efficiency of measures of state support are shown. It was noted that the volume of subsidies from the Federal budget decreased, but the average amount of subsidies through lending and issuance of loans increased. This is greatly facilitated by the reduction of the interest rate for the use of the loan. The analysis of the situation showed that the complex of measures in the sphere of lending initiated by the Central Bank of Russia has a positive impact on the development of small and medium-sized businesses
Key words small and medium-sized businesses; business activity of regional business structures; statistical analysis; state support; subsidies; business incubators; innovative activity of residents; microfinance funds; the key rate of the Central Bank; national economy
Article information Korkhovaya E. Statistical analysis of state support effectiveness of subjects of small and medium business // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 118-124
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Full articleStatistical analysis of state support effectiveness of subjects of small and medium business