Article name Phenological investigations in the territory of the Bashkir Pre-Urals: peculiarities of seasonal dynamics
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 911.2
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­5-44-51
Article type Scientific
Annotation A phenological study was conducted at the Tuymazy and Arkhangelskoy meteorological stations located within the Bashkir Pre-Urals. The definition of the term “seasonal dynamics” is given; factors that contribute to its emergence are identified. Features of seasonal dynamics of the investigated territory are considered. Landscape planners and phenologists have proposed various schemes for dividing the annual cycle: for seasons, sub-seasons, phases and stages. There are summer and winter seasons, as well as spring and autumn off-season of the landscape structure, in each of them there are four stages (formation, consolidation, culmination, degradation). It is noted that the characteristics of the seasonal dynamics of landscapes include the average temperature, air humidity and the amount of precipitation in a given season (in comparison with the average long-term indicators). A detailed study of the relationship between climatic characteristics of the terrain and seasonal natural phenomena and processes in the forest-steppe and forest landscapes of the Bashkir Pre-Urals region made it possible to observe the features of seasonal dynamics, as well as abnormal phenological changes, phenomena and trends occurring in landscapes. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the seasonal dynamics of landscapes in the development of rational economic activity of society in the landscapes of the given territory. The patterns of the seasonal dynamics of landscapes are the basis for the compilation of regional calendars of seasonal works and activities by sectors of the economy (agriculture, forestry, hunting, etc.). Such calendars should be actively used in the organization of nature conservation measures, control of pests and diseases of useful plants, parasites and transmissible diseases of humans, livestock
Key words seasonal dynamics; landscape; forest-steppe; forest zone; phenology; climate; Bashkir Pre-Urals; seasons of year; agriculture; geoecology
Article information Khamrakulov I. Phenological investigations in the territory of the Bashkir Pre-Urals: peculiarities of seasonal dynamics // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 44-52
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Full articlePhenological investigations in the territory of the Bashkir Pre-Urals: peculiarities of seasonal dynamics