Article name Research of features of pre-sowing stage of venture financing of innovation projects
Authors Bayaskalanova T.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 338.001.36 001.61
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­4-119-129
Article type Scientific
Annotation This study presents a model analysis linked to innovation development of the initial stages of project financing. Various approaches to the definition of stages of venture financing are described, the special role of the presowing stage is substantiated. The preseeding stage can pass at the head of the project or the innovator in parallel with study in high school. The review of the basic models of development of project innovations, including research and technological, is given, conditions of their application are grounded. Much attention is paid to nonlinear models of innovative processes, which most accurately reflect modern approaches to the formation of innovations. Based on statistical data and own perceptions, defined are the main parameters characteristic for the present-day economic conditions allowing elaboration and implementation of new innovative models. On the basis of existing innovation support programs, a model of the innovative “gate” process was formed, for which the main stages of selection and conditions that the company needs to perform for certain “gates” were defined. Studies of the activity of young innovators for several years allowed the construction of a “funnel” type model. In the basis of the formation of the model of the innovation process “funnel” was laid the program of UMNIK. Fund for the Promotion of Innovation. Statistics accumulated for six years, allowed to build such a model. The article also contains data that were previously determined by other researchers, which makes it possible to compare them with the models obtained. More attention is paid to the processes formed by the model of “open innovation”, which allows to explain the mechanisms of using external innovations to achieve the goal of bringing a new product to the market or to implement an innovative company of knowledge that can act as a separate product
Key words “funnel”; “gate”; open innovation; “seeding”; start-up; venture entrepreneurship; venture financing; innovations; models of innovative development; pre-sowing financing
Article information Ruposov V., Bayaskalanova T., Chlachula J. Research of features of pre-sowing stage of venture financing of innovation projects // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 119-129
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