Article name Methodical approach to the definition of insurance stock of goods of commercial values for corporate enterprises
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 330.131.7
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­100-107
Article type Scientific
Annotation The article deals with the problems of determining the amount of insurance stock of commodity-material values (CMV) in the conditions of economic risks. The analysis of the main methods of determining the inventories of inventories, analyzed their features and conditions of use. Carried out calculations of the size of insurance stocks according to the methods examined on the actual initial data of the coal company “Vostsibugol”, showed a discrepancy rate 14 times. The analysis of the main methods for calculating the value of the insurance stock made it possible to conclude that existing methods do not take into account the influence of variation in the intervals between releases of inventories from the company\'s warehouse, and also does not take into account the influence of the volume of material release volumes, which in general The case can be quite large and have a significant impact on the amount of insurance stock. The authors propose the author\'s method of calculating the optimal value of the insurance stock, the feature of which is to take into account the variability of the receipt and consumption (release) flows of materials as much as possible, and the acceptable level of security for various categories of spare parts. Approbation of the proposed methodology allowed to make a conclusion about the reliability and optimality of the results obtained.
Key words circulating assets; productive reserves; optimal insurance stock; economic risks; reliability of providing material resources; shortage of materials; flow of receipt and expenditure of inventories; methodology; coal mining enterprises
Article information Volokitina V., Gedich T. Methodical approach to the definition of insurance stock of goods of commercial values for corporate enterprises // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 100-107
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Full articleMethodical approach to the definition of insurance stock of goods of commercial values for corporate enterprises