Article name Geomorphological evidence of changes in the river network of the Insara-Sivinsky site
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI [551.332](470.345)
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­4-16-23
Article type Scientific
Annotation The modern relief of the territory of Mordovia has a long history of its development. One of the most important methods of understanding the development of relief is morpholitogenetic analysis, since in the modern appearance of the relief and in the sedimentary strata the history and conditions for the formation of the relief are most fully imprinted. In the article, based on the study of morphography and morphometry of the relief, peculiarities of sedimentation and manifestation of exogenous processes, the prerequisites for changes in the river network as a result of the influence of tectonic movements and features of glacial lithogenesis in the central part of Mordovia are investigated at a key section of the Insara and Sivini river valleys. When compiling a geomorphological map, GIS technologies were used. Analysis of the geomorphological map showed that most of the territory of the key area is represented by the surfaces of the privatized spaces and various slopes. The authors made assumptions about the possibility of the existence of pra-Sivini. It is noted that, probably, the upper reaches of modern Insara were tributaries of the ancient Sivini, and the river. The Lion crossing through the anomalously low watershed had a connection with the river Shishkeevka
Key words geomorphology; erosion; relief; river network; denudation; exogenous processes; glaciations; quaternary sediments; relief; valley
Article information Maskaykin V. N., Runkov S. I., Kiryushin A. V. Geomorphological evi-dence of changes in the river network of the Insara-Sivinsky site // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 16-23
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Full articleGeomorphological evidence of changes in the river network of the Insara-Sivinsky site