Article name Determination of background indicators of water quality of the river Ingoda based on long-term observations
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 543.3:556.1
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­4-4-15
Article type Scientific
Annotation In the article based on previous studies and taking into account the approaches offered by authors and other researchers the choice of the site and definition of background (reference) indicators of water quality on the example of the Ingoda River which basin is located on the territory of Zabaykalsky Krai is described. A brief description of the Ingoda River basin is given. It is noted that, the most characteristic pollutants in waters of the Ingoda River according to the previous studies of employees of ZABGU are the following eight substances: copper (Cu), zinc (Zn),common iron (Fe общ), nitrites (N No2), nitrates (N No3), phenols, ammoniyny nitrogen (N NH3). Besides, indicators of the oxygen (O2) and biochemical consumption of oxygen (BPK5) dissolved in water are included in the list of characteristic substances. On the basis of processing of stock materials of ZABUGMS during 1986–2010 series of average annual concentrations of the specified substances in an alignment near Deshulang village are calculated. It is defined that from ten above-named priority pollutants in the considered alignment of Ingoda river the content of five substances (a dissolved oxygen, BPK5, ammoniyny nitrogen, nitrites, nitrates) doesn\'t exceed the established standards and doesn\'t influence activity of fishes and the person. Qualitative water indicators in the content of specific pollutants in a river alignment near the Deshulang village and their change in a temporary section and in groups of water content. are given The directions of use of the received background characteristics, including the subsequent comparative description of water quality throughout the river, the area of a river basin and definition of target indicators when forming the water preserving programs and actions are presented
Key words waterway; waterway site; alignment; river basin; concentration of pollutants; mass consumption of pollutant; background indicator of water quality; specific combinatory index of impurity of water; target indicator; water preserving program
Article information Zaslonovsky V., Semenyuk M., Kudryavtseva O. Determination of background indicators of water quality of the river Ingoda based on long-term observations // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 4-15
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Full articleDetermination of background indicators of water quality of the river Ingoda based on long-term observations