Article name Improvement of systems of local self-government in organization and staffing of municipal management
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 11.15.41
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-3-83-92
Article type
Annotation Organizational and personnel support in municipal management is the activity aimed at formation and development of local authorities highly competent staff in posts of municipal service, is capable of the level of modern requirements quickly and effectively perform within the law and official authority tasks and functions of municipal bodies. According to the authors, the system of organizational and personnel support of the municipal government consists of the following elements: organizational structure of management in municipal service; the organization of work in municipal service; legal and regulatory framework control of the municipal service; information and methodical support of control system for municipal service; technologies, forms and methods of management in municipal service. The process of professional development of municipal employees is quite difficult and involves the solution of many administrative, educational, socio-psychological, socio-economic problems. Professional development is, first and foremost, in the formation and continuous enrichment of the employees have qualities and skills which they need for the effective performance of its functions, rights and responsibilities. In the professional development of personnel (especially by the heads of personnel services) the following important aspects are noted: professional qualification development, which most involves training and self-education, municipal employees, acquisition of new knowledge and experience; professional and career development, mainly associated with the search capabilities of the most efficient placement of staff, office extension based on the use of abilities and capabilities of each employee (specialty, experience, age, mindset and personal qualities).
Key words the system of local government; organizational and human resources; municipal management; municipalities; urban district “City of Chita”; company towns; management; policy development; impact; human resources
Article information Zimina N., Kukharskiy A., Novikova A. Improvement of systems of local self-government in organization and staffing of municipal management // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 83-92
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