Article name Religious threat as a concept of classical philosophical, religious and political discourse
Authors Zhukova A.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 172.3
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­2-74-80
Article type Scientific
Annotation In article the analysis of a problem of the threat proceeding from religion as social phenomenon to which many thinkers and researchers of religion who were recognizing her universal character, but differently estimating her essence paid attention is carried out. The author proves that, despite the general recognition of universality of religious outlook, religion researches, represent a wide palette of opinions concerning its possible danger, both for the certain believer, and for wide social groups. Using a comparative and phenomenological method, the author, tries to show that the difference between external social manifestations of the religion and its spiritual essence hidden from external observation was a source of ideas of religion as to threat. At the same time real social practice of interaction of society and state with religions is built according to the principle dividing religions on “their” and “others” that affects process of judgment of a problem of religious safety in the history of philosophy and religious studies where many were based on the author\'s systems of the values having metaphysical character. It became the base of a discourse between apologists and critics of religion. The analysis of maintenance of this discourse shows that most often he arises as predictable reaction to those challenges which are thrown down by religions to societies where alternative values dominate. However this call and the subsequent to him it is possible to regard the conflict in which the terminology connected with threat of religion is exposed to judgment and conceptualization as the conflict of confessional interests within this or that religious space, but not as war against ruthless conspirators which has to be conducted against those who under the religious slogans commit real social crimes.
Key words threat of religion; essence of religion; religion and society; concepts of religion; social philosophy; classical religious studies; religious extremism; discourse; confessional interests; critics of religion
Article information Zhukov A., Zhukova A., Romanova N. Religious threat as a concept of classical philosophical, religious and political discourse // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 74-80
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Full articleReligious threat as a concept of classical philosophical, religious and political discourse