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The article examines the multifactorial aspects of the Clean Air program development in the framework of the national Ecology project at the level of 12 cities: stages of development, changing approaches, effectiveness over several years, and emergence of new participants. The object of the study is the Clean Air program of the national Ecology project. The subject of the study is the implementation effectiveness of the program in the cities of the priority list with the highest level of pollution.The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis and development of solutions for the tasks implementation at the national and regional levels. Research objectives are as follows: analysis of the situation in the country; analysis of regional plans and results; development of directions of project solutions. The enumerated research methods are used: general scientific and applied scientific methods, synthesis, statistical and cartographic analysis, generalization of material, data visualization. Using the example of the city of Chita, a number of significant factors have been identified that must be taken into account when implementing tasks, and above all: natural conditions (mountain-hollow relief, stagnation of air masses, the dominance of anticyclonic weather, low precipitation, low temperatures for a long period). A significant factor of pollution is man-made: the placement of large sources of emissions, the presence of a large sector of private houses, a large number of cars, problems of territorial planning. As experience has shown, all this together implies the development of measures for cleaning the air basin, which differ significantly from the other 11 cities. The conclusion is made about structural problems in the «challenge/solution» system at the level of emissions assessment, allocated funds and action plans. The design decisions that need to be taken in the very near future to effectively solve the task are outlined: to revise the action plan in terms of strengthening the network of monitoring points, rethinking the master plan for the development of the city territory, including more emission points of various forms of ownership and subordination in the comprehensive modernization program; a multiple increase in plans for the closure of small boiler houses with the transfer of consumers to centralized heat supply; provide for the transfer of private households from coal (wood) heating to different forms of heating (electric, gas, etc.), perform a territorial scheme of measures.
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