Article |
Article name |
The Study of the Image of Russia in Chinese Political Cartoons |
Authors |
Wang Zhaoxu .. postgraduate, |
Bibliographic description |
Ван Чжаосюй. Образ России в китайских политических карикатурах // Вестник Забайкальского го-сударственного университета. 2023. Т. 29, № 3. С. 218–226. DOI: 10.2109/2227-9245-2023-29-3-218-226. |
Category |
Politology |
008 |
10.2109/2227-9245-2023-29-3-218-226 |
Article type |
Original article |
Annotation |
The image of the country reflects its level of economic and social development,
features of the historical path, the ability to cultural communication and status in the
international community. The object of the study is the rapid development of informatization and globalization in the modern world, where the image of the country is
becoming increasingly important. In the modern world, information wars are replacing military actions, the main purpose of which is to change public consciousness
to control the opinion of the masses in their interests. Among the ways of influencing the public consciousness, various types of art are of no small importance. At
the same time, works of art are increasingly becoming multimodal, using various
modes for communication: sound, image, text, etc. Therefore, many researchers are
moving from discursive analysis to multimodal analysis, which allows them to say
more about the pressing problems of modern society. In recent decades, conceptual
and modernist creativity has flourished in China, as well as such specific genres of
fine art as political cartoons and posters. The subject of the study is the analysis of
information transmitted by political cartoons in order to delve into the attitude and
views of the Chinese on Russian society and international relations. The objectives
of this study are: 1) study of political comics, their styles and communicative goals;
2) research of the national image of Russia in the eyes of the Chinese media; 3)
analysis of several cartoons and comics. In this article, for example newscartoon.
com (website for new cartoons) and “People’s Daily” analyzes the topics of 60 cartoons about Russia published from 2009 to 2023. Based on this, conclusions are
drawn about the main trends in the formation of Russia’s national image in the mass
media in China. |
Key words |
image of the country,
caricature, politics, journalism,
magazine, multimodality,
international attitude, leaders,
Russia, China |
Article information |
References |
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Текст: электронный. |
Full article | The Study of the Image of Russia in Chinese Political Cartoons |