Article name Territorial Management of a Regional University: Growth Management Factors
Authors Tomskikh A.A. doctor of geographical sciences, associate professor,
Bibliographic description Tomskikh A. A. Territorial management of a regional university: growth management factors // Transbaikal State University Journal. 2023. Vol. 29, no. 2. P. 101–111. DOI: 10.2109/2227-9245-2023-29-2-101-111.
DOI 914/919-004.451.25
DOI 10.2109/2227-9245-2023-29-2-101-111
Article type Original article
Annotation The modernization of vocational education in the country has been going on for three decades. During this time, about ten major programs have been implemented only at the federal level and many projects in the regions. The most significant tasks were solved in terms of positioning the country’s vocational education system in the world. Their reflection was the world rankings. Management decisions on the development of regional universities in the country have not yet led to any significant result in solving the issue of the disproportion of the development of higher education in the “center/periphery” system. The object of the study is the territorial organization and differences of vocational education in Russia at the regional level; the subject of the study is the factors of territorial management. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of growth management factors and decision making. Research objectives are analysis of the sectoral, territorial situation and potential opportunities. Leading scientific and educational centers «continue» to draw on the main financial, human and intellectual resources, which does not contribute to the socio-economic development of peripheral regions. One of the key problems of the regional universities’ development has become a constant decrease in the number of students as a result of a shortage for the first year. For the university itself, the line is marked for the loss of scientific and pedagogical schools due to the reduction of personnel and their reproduction dynamics, and the associated further degradation as a university in its classical mission. Traditional methods of career guidance used in universities do not work properly. It is concluded that there is a need for other approaches to the organization of processes based on the formation of growth management factors – territorial clusters “school-university” and “school-university-business” in terms of creating a business environment, building social capital for students along the entire chain of interaction. The university of the future and students should be involved in the economic, socio-cultural space of the region at the modern level of interactions and processes, and not only territorially.
Key words territorial administration, regional universities, positioning, growth points, management, factors, migration of applicants, development programs, region, Far Eastern region
Article information
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