Article name Improvement of pretreatment at block underground leaching of uranium ores in the rock mines of the Streltsovskoye ore field
Authors Ovseychuk V.. ,
Medvedev V.. candidate of technical sciences, medvedevw 1963@mail. ru
Zozulya A.. ,
Bibliographic description Ovseychuk V., Medvedev V., Zozulya A. Improvement of pretreatment at block underground leaching of uranium ores in the rock mines of the Streltsovskoye ore field // Transbaikal State University Joumal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 32^0. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-12-32-40.
Category Earth science
DOI 622.234.42:622.235
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-12-32-40
Article type
Annotation The basic supplier of natural uranium PJSC “Priargunskoye Production Mining and Chemical Association” experiences financial difficulties connected with the excess of a cost price over the cost price of production in Russia, besides there is an exhaustion of balance reserves. The intrusion of the technology of a unitized underground leaching at the enterprise will allow to involve in addition in working balanced and off-balance sections of deposits, which will give a real opportunity to increase the active raw material base of the enterprise by 10-30% with a cost reduction of up to 10% in total ballance. The experience of geoteclinological mining methods introduction in the association has shown the principle possibility of uranium leaching from rocky ores. In the preparation of blocks which was carried out both at the site of occurrence and with filling of an ore mass, which had undergone preliminary preparation in size and content, the extraction of uranium into solutions amounted to 70-80 %. Preparation of the chambers of the 4D-701 unit directly on the site was characterized by high losses of metal. Therefore, for sites that are most suitable for geoteclinological development, the preparation of which excludes the possibility of filling with ore material from outside, it is necessary to create conditions that increase the degree of extraction of a useful component, which is the goal of ongoing research. In the present work, a technological scheme of underground leaching of gently sloping ore bodies with low power is given on the basis of the petrographic composition analysis, physico-mechanical and geological properties of the massif. The variants of panel preparation of gently sloping ore bodies are suggested depending on the elements of occurrence. In addition, a technical and economic comparison of drilling and blasting methods is given, most fully meeting the requirements for the yield of the ore grade optimal for leaching. The statements of this article are based on the research and development work “Creation of technology for mining poor-balance uranium ores by geoteclinological methods” (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 09.04.2010 No. 218), which was held from 2013 to 2015. Joint efforts of employees of the Mining Faculty of ZabGU and the Central Research Laboratory of JSC “PIMCU”. This article discusses the principal issues concerning the feasibility of physico-chemical testing of the lower part of the Tulukuyevskoye field, which is a part of the PJSC “PGGHO”; geological and physical- mechanical properties of the Strellets group of deposits were studied
Key words block underground leaching; technological scheme; gently sloping ore bodies; block preparation; drilling and blasting operations; panel preparation; conditioning piece; physical and mechanical properties; uranium oxide-uranium; granulometric composition
Article information
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Full articleImprovement of pretreatment at block underground leaching of uranium ores in the rock mines of the Streltsovskoye ore field