Article name Using the method of comparative studies and hermeneutics in the study of ethnic conflicts
Bibliographic description Kaliev A. Using the method of comparative studies and hermeneutics in the study of ethnic conflicts // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 11, pp. 43-50. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-11-43-50.
Category Politology
DOI 37.018.11
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-11-43-50
Article type
Annotation An analysis of interethnic conflicts as a problem phenomenon in geopolitical space was carried out. The use of the method of comparativistics and hermeneutics in the study of interethnic conflicts is suggested. It is established that with the help of this method it is possible to determine how the number of certain ethnic groups is reduced under the influence of migration and other factors, while others are increasing. It is noted that ethnic groups try to preserve their historical experience, culture, traditions and customs. The facts confirming their demands for national-territorial autonomy are highlighted. It was revealed that such actions are usually accompanied by conflict phenomena and often lead to human casualties, material losses, and also cause people to distrust each other. The bases of the ethnos study, the reasons for interethnic clashes in Kyrgyzstan are indicated. The necessity of using the method of comparativistics and hermeneutics is grounded in the fact that it can contribute to the solution and prevention of interethnic conflicts among the community. The first historical evolutionary stage of hermeneutics is analyzed. Taking into account the fact that hermeneutics is the art of interpreting concepts such as the will of the gods, ways and their aspirations, it is concluded that when solving the problems of interethnic clashes that occurred in Kyrgyzstan, traditional and religious methods, as well as Islamic religious values
Key words Kyrgyzstan; geopolitics; ethnos; interethnic conflict; method of hermeneutics and comparativistics; national minority; religious values; ethnic groups; polyethnos; islam
Article information
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