Article name Ethno-cultural competence as an element of political competence in the regional social policy
Bibliographic description Zhilyaeva M. Ethno-cultural competence as an element of political competence in the regional social policy / / Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 46-52. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2017- 23-10-46-52.
Category Politology
DOI 323.111
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-10-46-52
Article type
Annotation The relevance of the study of ethno-cultural competence as an element of political competence is caused by the combination of two contemporary trends: on the one hand, the focus of state social policy for the implementation of national interests, including territorial integrity and preservation of population, on the other — the growing influence of the ethnic factor in all spheres of society. Problems of slow population growth and aging of the population, existing in modern Russia, lead to a shortage of labor resources and, consequently, increasing resettlement activity, including migrants from neighboring countries, which usually are carriers of ethno-cultural characteristics. In the social policy of multinational multicultural region migration processes are manifested in social, ethnic, demographic, socio-economic and socio-psychological changes, which requires a special approach to the creation and implementation of social policy. With the aim of ethnocultural competence as an element of political competence and the definition of the concept, justification for the consideration of ethno-cultural competence as a factor influencing regional social policies, was used a socio-cultural approach. The result of the theoretical analysis and comparison of political competence and cultural competence structures, the definition of ethno-cultural competence was given, as well as its role in regional social policy. In the context of social policy implementation in multinational multicultural region ethno-cultural competence is a factor of influence and requires the development of ethno-oriented program for its development
Key words socio-cultural paradigm; socio-cultural approach; political competence; structure of political competence; ethnic and cultural competence; components of ethnocultural competence; program of development of ethnocultural competence; special ethno-cultural competence; social policy; multiethnic, multicultural region
Article information
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