Article name Technological coal homogeneity
Authors Sekisov G.. ,
.. ,
Cheban A.. candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, senior researcher,
Bibliographic description Sekisov G. V., Yakimov A. A, Cheban A. Yu. Technological coal homogeneity// Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 32-44. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-9-32-44.
Category Earth science
DOI 622
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-9-32-44
Article type Original article
Annotation “Technological coal-mineral homogeneity” is presented and initially substantiated (in the pilot phase) as a scientific direction in the field of mining sciences in general and in the field of mining and geological sciences, in particular. The very important role of nominating, technological rationale, practical use and permanent development is defined, as a new and relevant scientific direction (and in the future as a scientific discipline), for the purposes of scientific, scientific-technical and practical provision of an effective system-integrated development of coal deposits and coal-mineral formations as a whole, while the improved and new conceptual and terminological categories are cited and used in a substantive manner, and “coal mineral minerality” as the most general and main scientific and practical category. In the volume reflection, the composition of the scientific direction is given; its detailed content is used objectively using the system-hierarchical complex of characteristic features (aspects), in particular, the origin of carbon-mineral formations and objects, their material composition, space-time and other important feature are described
Key words carbon-mineral homogeneity; coal-mineral formations; carbon-mineral objects; coal-mineral deposits; technological coal-mineral uniformity; coal industry; coal mineral resources; development technology; scientific direction; mining and geological sciences
Article information
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Full articleTechnological coal homogeneity