Bibliographic description Gazgireeva L., Burnasyheva L. Aspects of the new world order formation: historical and political discourse / / Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 74—82.
Category Politology
DOI 327
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-6-74-82
Article type
Annotation In the article it is proved that the world enters the next era of turbulence connected with change of a global alignment of forces and transformation of the existing world order. From these positions the concept «world order» and its transformation under the influence of at once several factors — gradual formation of new balance of forces on the international scene, radical technological changes, first of all in the information sphere, and also emergence of global economy is comprehended. The reasonings of the authors are revealed on the basis of the ideas stated in fundamental work of G. Kissinger «Diplomacy» (1993). This work of the American statesman, diplomat and expert in the field of international relations gives answers to many dilemmas of the present. In this sense G. Kissinger’s book is creatively provocative. It awakes a thought, surprises with not triviality of author’s approach, gives to professionals, interested in world politics a powerful additional impulse to reflections about an essence, system parameters, the directions and ways of the modern world order improvement. In the article G. Kissinger’s thought is fairly emphasized: he allocates two key and interconnected problems of the world order formation and maintenance of stability— ensuring its legitimacy and maintenance of balance of forces. As a result the authors draw a conclusion that the world changes: Europe centered policy (more precisely — West centered) gradually becomes the property of history. On the world scene the countries and regions — China, India, Iran, the Islamic states begin to play more and more active role — in the last centuries often act under the general collective name «colonial and dependent»
Key words world order; national idea; international relations; diplomacy; international policy; globalization; historical aspect; political aspect; G. Kissinger; political activity
Article information
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