Authors Romanchenko I.. ,
Bibliographic description Bulakh E., Romanova I., Romanchenko I. System communication of state, regional and municipal policy: socio-economic conditions // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 81-90.
Category Politology
DOI 338.222
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-5-81-90
Article type
Annotation The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the factors that determine the systemic interactions of the vector development of state, regional and municipal policies in the context of ongoing decentralization of public administration in our country. The study of economic policy features at different levels has showed both a certain degree of freedom of its subjects, and the existence of a certain dependence of parameters and elements of political and economic activity at both state and local levels. The task set by the authors is to reveal the parameters of the political mechanism of interaction between subjects of economic policy at different levels and it requires an emphasis on the moments of the systemic connection between state and municipal policy. The article points out the fact that the systemic nature of political and economic sphere of the state is a complex unity of many mutually intersecting structures whose meaningful intentions (direction of economic interest) overlap partially, partially opposed to each other, and partly completely independent of each other. On the basis of the conducted research it was established that the maintenance of system integrity, especially in the period of transformations and reforms, mostly falls on system-structural formations. Therefore, the structuring of the whole, in this case the separation of the regional and municipal component of the economic policy of the given state, delineation of the two planes of its formation is of importance: the plane of vertical hierarchy is the state hierarchy, including the state regional policy (policy in relation to the regions) and the horizontal slice is the economic policy of the regions themselves
Key words economic system; state economic policy; political process; market economy; economic policy subjects; economic reforms; crisis characteristics; political actors; economic programs, political stability; decentralization processes
Article information
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