Bibliographic description Sidorova G., Krylov D., Ovcharenko N. Radiation situation in the regions where the coal-fired thermal power stations of Russia are located // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 36—44.
Category Earth science
DOI 622.332.621.039.7
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-5-36-44
Article type
Annotation The article presents the analysis of the published literature data and own results of investigations of radiation emissions from coal-fired power plants using coals of various fields. At the most coal deposits of Russia the content of naturally occurring radioactive material in coal does not exceed bulk earth values, but in some coal beds of the deposits, their content is exceeded several times. Coal from these deposits is used at thermal power stations, ash and slag waste from the combustion of coal are enriched with natural radionuclide. Ash and slag waste from thermal power stations occupy huge areas, bearing additional radiation stress on nearby areas. The fly ash emitted into the atmosphere from the pipes of thermal power stations has an effect on the formation of the radiation situation in the regions, where the thermal power station is located and is a source of radioactive contamination of the environment and exposure of people. One of the main reasons for the large emissions of fly ash from thermal power plant with a significant amount of radionuclides in Russia is the use of low-quality energy coals. In order to achieve the goals of the modern electric power industry development, connected with the minimum fly ash emissions into the atmosphere and small output of ash and slag wastes, it is necessary to achieve the supply of enriched coals with ash, the level of which would meet the world standards (5.. .15 %), to the thermal power stations. Another barrier to the development of environmentally efficient coal-fired power generation is the low level of utilization of ash and slag wastes from thermal power stations. In Russia, coal products for radiation and environmental safety are not standardized. There are also no methods for testing and controlling the quality of coal by radiation parameters, which leads to their uncontrolled combustion. To reduce exposure of personnel and population living in the areas adjacent to coal-fired power plants, it is necessary to organize a thorough control both over the contents of natural radionuclides in power coals and products of combustion, emitted into the environment. Solving the problems of radioactivity of coals in our country requires a centralized approach and creation of an appropriate regulatory framework
Key words coal; naturally occurring radioactive material; uranium; ash; slag; emissions; radioactivity; specific activity; thermal power plants; coal deposits
Article information
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