Bibliographic description Pavlenko Yu. V. Prishilkinsky mineragenous area: fragments of minerageny and genesis // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 29—43.
Category Earth science
DOI 55(1/9)
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-1-29-43
Article type
Annotation Prishilkinsky mineragenic zone, which is located on the N-sheets 50, 51 and M-49, 50, reaching out in a northeasterly direction through the territory of the Eastern Transbaikal and the Amur region on the Upper 850...900 km. is considered. The fragments of these unique mineragenous units were allocated previously by many geologists, however, fully defined at the beginning of this century as a result of state-of geological maps of the Russian Federation, the scale of 1: 1,000,000 of the third generation. The scientific and practical interest in the major structural-material formation is associated with regional structural features, favorable for the formation of large deposits and the Trans-Siberian railway line, laid along or near this zone with numerous polymineral objects, including commercial deposits of scarce minerals. It is proved that the established base of geological information, designed to meet the economic conditions for the development of Russia still needs to clarify scientific statements, including patterns of spatial distribution of mineralization and characteristics of its genesis. The main geological features of the formation of Prishilkinsky structural-formational complex and the corresponding Prishilkinskoy mineragenous zone (MZ) are set out in the articles published in 2014—2015 in the «Bulletin of the Transbaikal State University» journal. In this article, which closes this series, the problems of the mineragenous mineralization zones and features of genesis of endogenous mineralization are observed. In the presentation of fragments of the mineralization of Prishilkinsky zone, its uranium-molybdenum-gold ore mineralization specialization is marked, geochemical properties of the main ore elements are characterized, which are associated mainly with granitoid intrusions. The bulk of the late endogenous mineralization is genetically related to the global process of oceanization crust. 12 positions are briefly described, indicating a manifestation of the deep oceanization at the base of the continental crust of Transbaikalia
Key words Prishilkinsky mineragenic zone; South-East Transbaikalia; late endogenous mineralization; granitoid intrusion; minerageny; genesis; mineralization; activation of the Precambrian crystalline basement; dynamometamorphic dislocation structure; geological and chemical conditions
Article information
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