Authors Kolyada L.. ,
Bessonova Y.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 622.349.4’341.1:[669.295:669.292.3]
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-7-44-51
Article type
Annotation The metallurgical industry is experiencing certain difficulties in the raw material segment of ferrous metals due to the depletion of highly liquid target iron ores reserves, the alternative of which are titanomagnetites. In addition, the demand for vanadium and titanium is increasing on the world market, the absolute part of the world stock of which also falls on titanomagnetite ore. Complex processing of titanomagnetite ores provides for production of not only iron concentrate, but also vanadium and titanium present in it. In this regard, the relevance of research lies in the need for deep complex processing of titanomagnetites and their enrichment products. The object of the study was iron concentrate of titanomagnetite ore from the Volkovsky deposit. Due to the isomorphism of vanadium with iron and the extremely thin integration of titanium into magnetite grains, the purpose of this investigate was to study the possibility of vanadium and titanium chemical extraction from titanomagnetite ore iron concentrate. The authors have analyzed the features of the chemical and mineralogical composition of iron concentrate. Granulometric, X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence analyses are used in the work. The feasibility of complex processing of iron concentrate in order to extract not only iron from it, but also such valuable components as vanadium and titanium by acid leaching has been proved. It has been experimentally established that it is possible to extract vanadium into solution and concentrate titanium in the cake by acid leaching of iron concentrate. The highest percentage of vanadium extraction (68.31%) is achieved by leaching with 30% hydrochloric acid at a temperature of 92-98 °C. It has been established that titanium is not extracted into the solution, but is concentrated in the cake, however, titanium dioxide is partially dissolved when hot sulfuric acid is used. Thus, it was proved that, it is preferable to use solutions of hydrochloric acid, rather than sulfuric acid for the selective separation of titanium and vanadium, due to the dissolution of titanium dioxide in hot sulfuric acid
Key words Key words: vanadium, titanium, iron, titanomagnetite ore, iron concentrate, acid leaching, chemical extraction, enrichment products, magnetite grains, complex processing
Article information Medyanik N., Smirnova A., Kolyada L., Bessonova Yu. Study of possibility of vanadium and titanium chemical extraction from titanomagnetite ore iron concentrate // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 44-51 DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-7-44-51
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