Article name Technological possibility of increasing the complexity of the use of gold-bearing polymetallic ores of the Novo-Shirokinsky deposit
Authors Kostromina I.. ,
Zvereva N.. Postgraduate Student,
Myazin , , T V.P. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of the Russian Federation,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 622.7
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-6-6-14
Article type
Annotation Gold-bearing polymetallic ores of the Novo-Shirokinsky deposit (further NShD) are complex, containing other valuable components besides gold and silver, which include lead, zinc, copper, iron, etc. According to the content of sulfides in the ores, they belong to the moderate sulfide type. The main feature of the material composition of ores NShD: expressed multicomponent content of valuable minerals; proximity of flotation properties of shared minerals; especially valuable mineral in ores, in addition to gold and silver, is copper, which is mainly concentrated in lead concentrate. The highest technological indicators of ore beneficiation are achieved when they are enriched according to a collective technological scheme. The technological scheme of ore beneficiation at the plant is shown in fig. 1. A lead-copper concentrate is obtained, which, as a rule, is subsequently sent for subsequent selective flotation. The factory produces two main concentrates - lead and zinc (corresponding to TU 07.29.15-002-24722376-2018, TU 1725-001-24722376-2011). This work is aimed at increasing the complexity of the use of NShD polymetallic ores in order to justify the possibility of additional production of copper concentrate at the plant. The object of the study – gold-bearing polymetallic ores of the Novo-Shirokinsky deposit. The subject of the study – flotation process of ore beneficiation as the basis for obtaining copper concentrate by constructing effective technological schemes for the polymetallic ores’ processing. The main idea of the work – sequential extraction of copper from lead concentrates using retreatments and optimal operating parameters of the flotation process
Key words Key words: comprehensive use of raw materials, gold-bearing, polymetallic ores, lead, zinc and copper concentrates, technological schemes of ore beneficiation, flotation beneficiation method, laboratory tests, mineral, reagents.
Article information Zvereva N., Myazin V., Kostromina I. Technological possibility of increasing the complexity of the use of gold-bearing polymetallic ores of the Novo-Shirokinsky deposit // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 6-14. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-6-6-14
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Full articleTechnological possibility of increasing the complexity of the use of gold-bearing polymetallic ores of the Novo-Shirokinsky deposit