Article name Studies of the various reagents effect on the efficiency of underground borehole leaching of uranium from the ores of the Khiagdinsky deposit
Authors Mikhailov A.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 622.775
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-4-16-27
Article type
Annotation To ensure Russia\'s energy security, it is necessary to produce cheap electricity. One of the directions of domestic energy development is its production at nuclear power plants. The source of raw materials for powering nuclear reactors is natural uranium extracted from rocky and hydrogenic (localized in loose sediments) deposits. Hydrogenic deposits have been explored in Transbaikalia, united into a single Khiagdin ore field and characterized by identical mining-geological, hydrogeological and technological parameters. During the operation, certain difficulties have been identified in the extraction of natural uranium, related both to the geological structure of the deposits and the temperature regime of groundwater, and to the economic performance of the enterprise. As a result of the confluence of these circumstances, the issue of transferring uranium to a mobile state during underground borehole leaching with the necessary dynamics that ensures the concentration of uranium in a productive solution, the processing of which will produce profitable mining enterprise products, is problematic. This article is devoted to the intensification of the leaching process using chemical activators that accelerate the conversion of uranium into a productive solution The relevance of the work is due to the need to activate the process of uranium leaching with the help of underground borehole leaching to ensure a more complete recovery of uranium and to reduce the period of field development with the use of chemical oxidants. The object of the study is technological processes of underground in-situ leaching with the use of chemical activators. The purpose of the study is improving the development efficiency of hydrogenous uranium deposits, reducing operating costs. The research objectives are to identify the most effective oxidants and regimes of their use, increasing the volume of uranium recovery in the productive solution. The research methodology included collecting information, its mathematical and statistical processing, carrying out research work and establishing a connection between mining-geological, hydrogeological and technological parameters of ore leaching. Research methods: mathematical and statistical analysis, laboratory research and the use of the results for experimental and industrial works
Key words Keywords: underground borehole leaching, technological well, filtration coefficient, oxidizer, leaching solution, productive solution, sulfuric acid concentration, uranium concentration, W/T ratio, redox potential, hydrogen peroxide, sodium nitrite
Article information Mikhailov A., Ovseychuk V. Studies of the various reagents effect on the efficiency of underground borehole leaching of uranium from the ores of the Khiagdinsky deposit// Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 16-27. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-4-16-27
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Full articleStudies of the various reagents effect on the efficiency of underground borehole leaching of uranium from the ores of the Khiagdinsky deposit