Article name Russia\'s Turn to the East: new challenges and opportunities in the development of the Far Eastern region
Authors Davyborets E.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 327
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-3-36-47
Article type
Annotation Russia\'s \"turn\" to the East, due to the high practical significance of the problem, is one of the most discussed in the Russian political discourse of the last decade. Over time, the positions of researchers change from passive-pessimistic based on a variety of problems in this area, to more positive, and based on certain achievements. To date, it seems timely to summarize the interim results. In the article, the authors summarize the ten-year path of Russia\'s \"eastern choice\". They compare the initial plans and statements of the political leadership with the concrete results achieved over ten years of work, which was largely carried out by trial and error. The authors conclude that the loud slogans were largely political PR, designed to attract the attention of the international community and its citizens, in order to successfully launch the program. However, there was no breakthrough \"turn\" of Russia to the East. These were the first steps that brought certain indicators both in concrete figures and intangible assets – a positive view of Russia from real and potential Asian partners. The object of the study is the policy of \"turning\" Russia to the East. The subject is the socio-economic results of the policy of \"turning\" Russia to the East for the Far Eastern region. The purpose of the study is to identify the socio-economic results of the development of the Far Eastern region, determined by the \"turn\" of Russia to the East, to identify new challenges and opportunities for its rise. Research methodology. The authors\' research concept is that a region is not an exclusively autonomous, but a multifunctional composite organism developing both on the basis of vertical (center-region) and horizontal (interregional, intraregional) interactions included in the system of intra-state and world economic relations. Methods of retrospective, comparative and historical analysis were used to determine the level and dynamics of socio-economic development of the region
Key words Keywords: Russia\'s turn to the East, results, trade and economic cooperation, Asia-Pacific countries, the image of the state, opportunities, far eastern region, Asia, information vacuum
Article information Vladimirova D., Davyborets E., Radikov V. Russia\'s Turn to the East: new challenges and opportunities in the development of the Far Eastern region // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 36-47.DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-3-36-47
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Full articleRussia\'s Turn to the East: new challenges and opportunities in the development of the Far Eastern region