Article name The education system in the context of modern social policy
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 37.014.3
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-2-56-62
Article type
Annotation In the article the questions connected with functioning of an education system in the conditions of digital economy are considered. It is shown, how digital technologies radically change educational space, create conditions for formation of the educational environment which are meeting the requirements of market relations. Efficiency of application of modern technologies from the point of view of competitiveness of educational institutions is traced. Special value of educational programs in experts of application of traditional and modern models of training, in formation of \"digital literacy» and digital competences, corresponding to realities of the changing social and economic environment is underlined. The problems connected with transition on distant of mode of study are considered. The object of research is a process of functioning of an education sphere in conditions digitalization of the economy, and the subject – influence of digital economy on educational trends, on processes of transformation of educational space, means and training methods. The purpose of the article is consideration of digital technologies and knowledge economy in quality of \"growth points», innovations stimulating development and their application in an education system. The given purpose is realized through the decision of some problems: 1) the phenomenon analysis «digital economy» and «digital education»; 2) researches influence of digital economy on process of formation of new skills and competences, modern market relations corresponding to requirements and necessary for successful adaptation to changing conditions of labour activity. The methodological basis of the article dialectic principles of objectivity and consistency have made researches, with which help the problematics and the maintenance of considered problems, cross impact processes digital economy and formations reveal
Key words Key words: digital economy; digital technologies; digital education; industrial revolution; electronic education; digital literacy; competition; human capital; monitoring
Article information Napsо M. The education system in the context of modern social policy // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 56-62. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-2-56-62
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