Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 329.3
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-8-70-73
Article type
Annotation The subject of the analysis is the methods of party research, which is reflected in the topic of the article. The purpose of the scientific analysis of the research methodology of political parties is a complete and comprehensive analysis of the methods used in the study of political parties, taking into account the changing research methods of such a dynamically changing political institution as the party. The basis of the political science analysis of the methodology of political parties is the study of the appropriate methods used by scientists in the research of the parties’ activities, setting their goals and objectives. Political parties have their own organizational basis, their own charter, program, leaders, their own goals and objectives and perform certain functions. One of the goals of any political party is to participate in the political life of society, in solving its issues. Political parties today are of wide scientific and research interest and are therefore studied from all sides. The methods used in the study of such a political phenomenon as a party are quite diverse and original, taking into account the emergence of new political technologies, such as the Internet and information technology. Parties occupy an intermediate position between society and the state, being the main institution of civil society, constantly developing and filling political life with dynamics. The inconsistency of the party phenomenon development leads to methodological difficulties in the study of political parties, which in the most generalized form can be formulated as the ambiguity of the manifestation of everything related to politics, the versatility of political phenomena. The article attempts to analyze the most common methods of research of political parties today
Key words Key words: political parties, methodology, ideology, methods of party research, tasks of political parties, party program, regional branches, methods of political research, theoretical methods, political analysis
Article information Zimina N. Research methodology of political parties // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 8, pp. 70-73. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-8-70-73.
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