Article name Rationing of qualitative and quantitative losses of radioactive ores during mining by layered systems with a bookmark
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 622.274.5
DOI DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-10-25-34
Article type
Annotation Increasing the mining efficiency of mineral deposits is achieved by reducing the quantitative and qualitative losses of mineral raw materials during extraction. One of the most effective development systems from this point of view is the systems of layered excavation of ores with filling the developed space with a hardening bookmark. This makes it possible to mechanize the extraction process as much as possible, which in turn makes the system flexible and mobile, changing the direction of the treatment workings, their width and height, depending on the changing values of the ore parameters. This makes it possible to minimize the clogging of the ore mass with waste rock and significantly increase the completeness of ore extraction. To establish the relationship between the characteristics of ore formations and the overall dimensions of mining equipment, studies were conducted that allowed determining the conditions for the use of various types of equipment for the extraction of minerals with specific characteristics (msr is the capacity of the ore body, αsr - is the average uranium content). On the basis of these studies, a method has been developed for calculating the normative indicators of losses and dilution for the conditions of mining rock uranium mineralization by a layer system from top to bottom with filling the cleaning space with a hardening bookmark. To determine the calculated indicators, the distribution of power classes in ore bodies depending on its average value in the ore body and the distribution of uranium by concentration classes from its average content in the ore body were studied. The criterion for determining the losses during the breakdown is the conditioned indicator – the minimum metric percentage at which commercial ore can be obtained
Key words Key words: thickness of the ore body; uranium content; metro percent; dilution; losses of unbroken ores; losses of broken ores; loading machine; working width; stuck waste; ore; waste rock
Article information Ovseychuk V. Rationing of qualitative and quantitative losses of radioactive ores during mining by layered systems with a bookmark // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 10, pp. 25-34. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-10-25-34
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Full articleRationing of qualitative and quantitative losses of radioactive ores during mining by layered systems with a bookmark