Article name Demand and supply imbalance in the agricultural labour market in the conditions of digitalization
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 37.01:631.145
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-9-129-136
Article type
Annotation Since in the current conditions the dominant trends in agriculture are automation and robotization, in the near future, human-controlled equipment will be almost completely automated and most of the competencies required in production will lose their relevance, since the use of digital technologies can replace not only routine manual labor, but also a significant number of mental labour of workers. During this period, the formation of unique competencies inherent only to a person acquires special relevance. Therefore, in our opinion, the need for the formation of knowledge and skills of a higher level comes to the fore. The use of digitalized systems and algorithms in agricultural production leads to a significant increase in labor productivity and, as a result, to a significant release of labor resources. At the same time, the demand for workers with a certain set of knowledge and skills is increasing. The article discusses the main changes taking place in the agricultural labour market in the context of digitalization. Key points: – the use of digital algorithms significantly affects the growth of labour productivity; – the growing demand for workers with digital competencies leads to a lagging supply in the agricultural labour market; – the influence of non-price factors of supply and demand leads to an imbalance in the agricultural labour market The object of the study is the agricultural labour market in the conditions of digitalization. The subject of the study is the supply and demand imbalance in the labour market. The purpose of the study is to identify and systematize the factors that have a non-price impact on the state of the agricultural labour market. Research methodology reveals the principle of objectivity and comprehensiveness; taking into account the continuous development of elements Research methods are presented by statistical, analytical, abstract-logical, graphical and other used methods
Key words agriculture; digitalization; labour resources; demand; supply; wages; market equilibrium; imbalance; robotization; labour market; automation
Article information Shelkovnikov S., Kuznetsova I. Demand and supply imbalance in the agricultural labour market in the conditions of digitalization // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 9, pp. 129–136. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-9-129-136.
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Full articleDemand and supply imbalance in the agricultural labour market in the conditions of digitalization