Publication ethics


Responsibility of the journal editors

1. Consider the materials provided by the authors and make a decision impartially and without prejudice to the authors, regardless of nationality, religion, race, or citizenship.

2. Prevent the influence of commercial and political interests on the observance of scientific ethics and maintaining the high intellectual level of the journal.

3. Interact with authors on the principles of fairness, courtesy, objectivity, honesty and transparency.

4. Focus on the needs of the journal’s target audience, modern science and society.

5. Constantly improve the quality of the journal, including improving the reviewing and editing process, and involving specialists competent in the scientific field of the submitted material in the expert assessment.

6. Expand the composition of the editorial board and editorial council only to include qualified, reputable scientists.

7. Do not use information from articles submitted for publication in your own research.

8. Take measures to ensure the high scientific level of published articles. The editors, using appropriate software, check publications for image manipulation and plagiarism.

9. If plagiarism, falsification of research data, experimental errors, results of unethical research are detected in a published article, as well as if the article was previously published in other publications, the editors are obliged to initiate the article retraction procedure.

10. Make a decision on whether or not to accept an article for publication based on all comments from independent reviewers. The final editorial decision and the reasons for its making should be communicated to the authors.


1. The authors grant the journal the right to first publish the work under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution International license (CC BY 4.0), according to which third parties have the right to copy and redistribute this material on any media and in any format, as well as mix, modify and use as a basis for any purposes, including commercial ones, provided that proper references are made to the original work.

2. After receiving notification from the editor about the publication of an article, the author may retract the article within no more than 10 working days by providing a signed statement indicating the reasons for the revocation.

Author’s responsibility

1. The author does not have the right to submit an article to more than one journal for consideration.

2. The authors notify the editors of potential conflicts of interest. All sources of any financial support for the project must be disclosed and indicated in the manuscript.

3. Authors must provide ONLY original work, the data is authentic and real. Authors do not have the right to copy references to works that they have not read. Quotations and references to other works must be accurate and formatted in accordance with the requirements of the editors. Knowingly false and falsified information is unacceptable.

4. Verbatim copying of one’s own works and their paraphrasing is prohibited; they can only be used as a basis for new conclusions (with the obligatory correct citation of one’s previous works). The author must avoid excessive self-citation in the manuscript and artificially increasing the volume of publications.

5. Authors must comply with copyright laws. Indicate the authorship of all data obtained from other sources (texts, figures, tables, figures, ideas, etc.); Direct quotations from the work of other researchers should be highlighted with quotation marks and the appropriate reference. Copyrighted materials may only be reproduced with the permission of their owners.

6. The author correctly corresponds with the reviewer through the executive secretary and promptly responds to comments and remarks that arise. If necessary, the authors correct the data presented in the article or refute them.

7. The author, responsible for correspondence with the editors, notifies his co-authors about changes and proposals from the editors and does not make decisions alone, without the written consent of all co-authors.

8. The authors participate in the final approval of the version that goes to print.

Editing scientific publications

1. The final decision on publication of materials remains with the editor-in-chief.

2. All principles of editing are posted in information materials for authors; the requirements for the design and content of the article, accompanying documents, and the type of published materials are indicated.

3. The editors accept information about identified problems and make a decision on acceptance for publication or refusal to publish.

The editors of the magazine in their activities are guided by the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation – 70 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “Copyright”. The main provisions of the publication ethics of the journal are based on international standards proposed by the Committee of Publication Ethics, COPE and the provisions adopted at the II World Conference on Research Integrity (Singapore, July 22-24, 2010), the Declaration of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers of Russia “Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications” ( edition 2016).