Article name Application of inorganic reagents-modifiers for the extraction of sulphur-containing impurities in the flotation of gas coals
Authors Mullina E.. ,
Mishurina O.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 622.765
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-6-23-30
Article type
Annotation The relevance of the research lies in the need to remove sulphur-containing compounds from coal raw materials at the lowest cost to reduce the environmental load in the areas of coal use. The object of the study is coals of the “G” brand of the Kuznetsk basin of the Kirov mine. The subject of the study is the petrographic and chemical composition of coals, the content of sulphur impurities. The aim of the study is to develop selective reagent flotation modes using inorganic reagents-modifiers. Research objectives: – to determine the petrographic and chemical composition of coals; – to conduct flotation studies using the foam flotation method; – to evaluate the effect of inorganic reagents-modifiers on the φ - potential and hydration of the coal surface; – to determine the mechanism of modifiers’ action on the depression of sulphur-containing impurities of coals. Methodology and methods of research. A complex of physical, chemical and physico-chemical research methods has been used in the work. The degree of scientific development of the topic. A promising direction for reducing sulphur-containing emissions is to increase the selectivity of the flotation process by modifying the coal surface. Results: petrographic analysis of the studied coals has showed that the main micro-component is vitrinite (85 %); chemical analysis indicates that the humidity of the coals is 2.27 %, the ash content is 17.82 %, the yield of volatile substances is 32.90 %, the mass fraction of inorganic sulphur is 0.38 %, organic sulphur is 0.43 %. A comparative analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators of coal flotation shows that the use of non-organic reagents-modifiers can significantly increase the extraction of sulfur into flotation waste. The analysis of the kinetics of changes in the electrode potential of pyrite indicates an increase in the potential values in the presence of these reagents and a decrease in the hydration of the pyrite surface. The obtained results indicate the expediency of using inorganic salts as modifier reagents that contribute to reducing the sulfur content in coal concentrates due to the depression of pyrite-containing impurities due to an increase in the hydration of their surface
Key words gas coals; flotation; modifier reagents; depressing effect; micro-components; electrode potential; wetting edge angle; aquacomplexes; hydration; inorganic reagents
Article information Medyanik N., Mullina Е., Mishurina О. Application of inorganic reagents-modifiers for the extraction of sulphur-containing impurities in the flotation of gas coals // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 23–30. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-6-23-30.
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Full articleApplication of inorganic reagents-modifiers for the extraction of sulphur-containing impurities in the flotation of gas coals