Article name Developing measures to improve the performance of transnational corporations in the context of a pandemic
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 338.22.021.4
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-8-122-128
Article type
Annotation This article presents the conditions of transnational corporations’ activity in the period of aggravated situation associated with coronavirus infection. The activities of large multinational companies in such industries as digital electronics (“Apple”, “Intel”, “Qualcomm”), automotive (“General Motors”, “Ford”, “Toyota”), air transportation (“American Airlines”, “Delta Air Lines”, “United Airlines”, “Lufthansa” and “British Airways”) are revealed. A list of measures that contribute to a painless way out of the crisis for multinational companies is presented. It is proposed to create agencies based on a multinational company to make decisions in emergency situations, which should contribute to earlier detection of threats and quickly make the right management decisions. The role of potential risk assessment and implementation of emergency response mechanisms is described. There is a need to create a positive and active mechanism for exchanging information for employees, customers and suppliers, as well as the formation of standard communication documents. The importance of maintaining the physical and psychological health of employees and the need to analyze the nature of jobs for the adoption of appropriate recovery plans is determined. The article presents the importance for multinational companies in establishing plans to respond to supply chain risks. This will make it possible to manage inventory more effectively in the short term in the context of reduced consumption. It is proposed to pay special attention to solutions for identifying risks related to productivity and maintaining customer relationships caused by the inability to resume production in the short term. It is stated that multinational companies should create or modernize mechanisms for systematic risk management and control, identify the main risks in advance and develop plans to respond to them
Key words pandemic; transnational corporations; trade war; company image; risk management; emergencies; inventory management; foreign economic activity; Chinese enterprises; market changes
Article information Li Shuangshuang. Developing measures to improve the performance of transnational corporations in the context of a pandemic // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 8, pp. 122–128. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-8-122-128.
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