Article name Electronic economy and artificial intelligence – main-stream of ideology of economic development
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 330.341.1:331.54
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-10-120-130
Article type Scientific
Annotation The article reveals the main trends in the development of the economy. It is shown that only an innovative economy will allow Russia to ensure high-quality economic growth and determine its position in the world. The directions of the digital economy are disclosed. An approach to assessing the degree of innovative changes in the region’s economy through the structure of the resources used, the complexity and cost of production is proposed. The barriers to introducing a digital economy are shown. The problem of potential rivalry with humanity of the results of the implementation of the digital economy – artificial intelligence systems is considered. The main fear of the population is employment and fear of job loss, zeroing of competencies and professional qualifications. The necessity of forming a new model of socio-ethical scientific and technological progress is shown. An example of the approach to the formation of the digital platform and the use of elements of artificial intelligence in the socio-economic development of territories are considered. It is determined that the advent of digital technologies, artificial intelligence and other innovations will fundamentally change production processes in all sectors of the economy and social sphere. This will lead to a change in the list of specialties and areas of training, a change in the competencies of graduates
Key words digital economy; information economy; artificial intelligence; employment; high-performance jobs; competencies; model of socially-ethical scientific and technological progress; digital platform; ideology of economic development; mainstream
Article information Belomestnov V. Electronic economy and artificial intelligence – main-stream of ideology of economic development // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 120–130. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-10-120-130.
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Full articleElectronic economy and artificial intelligence – main-stream of ideology of economic development