Authors Vologzhina S.. ,
Latysheva I.. ,
Latyshev S.. ,
Loshchenko K.. ,
Olemskoi S.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 551.5(282.256.341)
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-8-6-13
Article type scientific
Annotation The article is devoted to the study of climatic and meso-meteorological features of the coast of the Lake Baikal, which is based on the output of 11 meteorological stations of the Irkutsk Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring department, the GFS forecast model and cloud image archives of the ISTP SB RAS. This study allowed for the first time to analyze the seasonal and spatial features of the distribution of a complex of meteorological quantities that have not been previously studied in this region. A comparative analysis of the anomalies of air temperature and precipitation in the zonal and meridional epochs of circulation is carried out. It is established that against the background of an increase in the contribution of meridional atmospheric processes in 2006…2018 on the coast of the Lake Baikal has decreased the rate of climate warming in the cold season and increased significantly in the warm period. Based on the mapping, zones with maximum changes in air temperature and precipitation were identified. The warm season is characterized by a decrease in precipitation, except for stations located on the southern tip of the Lake. Baikal, this should be considered when forecasting extremely high precipitation and a possible increase in river levels. According to the interpretation of satellite images of clouds during periods with a maximum amount of precipitation and by comparing cloud fields with surface synoptic maps, the prevailing types of atmospheric processes are identified. It has been established that the highest probability of occurrence of dangerous weather and climatic phenomena at the southern tip of the Lake Baikal, especially in the conditions of the development of convective clouds and mesoscale convective systems
Key words Keywords: Baikal region; climate; mesoclimate; atmospheric circulation; air temperature; precipitation; anomalies; instability energy; moisture content of clouds; forecast model; interpretation
Article information Vologzhina S., Latysheva I., Latyshev S., Loshchenko K., Olemskoi S. Mesoscale features of climatic change on the coast of the Lake Baikal // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no.8, pp.6-13
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