Authors Sotnikov A.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 324
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-6-80-90
Article type scientific
Annotation The relevance of the study of the use of Internet communication technologies in modern political campaigns, in general, and Internet manipulation and propaganda technologies, in particular, due to the ever-increasing influence of the Internet on the formation and functioning of the modern political community as a factor of political reality, qualitatively changed the nature of traditional political communication. At the same time, this phenomenon has already become the object of scientific research in various disciplines, due to the increasing role of the Internet in the social sphere and the growing popularity of the online space use as a tool of political communication. At the same time, despite the presence of a certain number of publications, it is impossible to say that the problems are studied comprehensively. The number and quality of political Internet communication channels are constantly increasing, as well as the number of networks and services. This predetermines the presence of a constant steady interest of researchers in the problem field of this article. The article provides a detailed description of the methods and techniques used in the Internet in political campaigns. The emphasis is made on the characteristics of relatively new technologies, which gradually, but quite correctly take their place in Internet manipulation. The article describes the channels of Internet communication that are used and can be used in manipulation and propaganda. The authors \' conclusions are based on the conviction that modern manipulation and propaganda on the Internet, in many ways, uses the same methods and technologies as the traditional media. At the same time, traditional approaches are used more effectively, and it can be seen in the organization and conduct of various political campaigns. The Internet-manipulation in political campaigns is varied. They provide many opportunities to influence public and individual consciousness. This predetermines the idea of the need for further work on the problem, since it seems that this direction will be increasingly developed in the future
Key words Key words: political communication; Internet communications; Internet space; Internet users; resources and channels of political communication; manipulation and propaganda in modern political practice; astroturfing; political campaigns
Article information Sotnikov S., Sotnikov A., Kamneva G. Internet technologies of manipulation and propaganda in modern political practice // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 6, pp.80-90
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