Authors Bobrov V.. ,
Leonova G.. ,
Maltsev A.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 550. 42 / 546. 65
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-2-4-16
Article type scientific
Annotation Concentration and distribution of 14 rare earth elements of lanthanide group (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu) in a 6-meter core of sapropel with undisturbed stratification received by method of vibratory drilling of the central part of a bottom of the lake Kotokel are determined. Comparison of average concentrations of lanthanides normalized on chondrite and ytterbium in samples of sapropel of the Lake Kotokel, a standard sample of silt from the central basin of Lake Baikal (BIL-1) and standard samples of clay shales is carried out. The similarity of spectra of lanthanides in samples of sapropel of the Lake Kotokel and the Baikal silt (BIL-1) and their essential difference from a spectrum of lanthanides in Paleozoic clay shales of Europe (ES) and North America (NASC) and also post-archaean clay shales of Australia (PAAS) are established. It is shown that the spectrum of lanthanides in a section of sapropel of the Lake Kotokel agrees with studied earlier spectra of lanthanides in a sample of the Baikal silt (BIL-1) and in 3-meter section of sapropel of the Lake Ochki and in 4-meter section of a peat bog of the high Vydrinsky moor bog which mineral substance has atmospheric genesis. This coincidence of types of distribution of lanthanides is maintained during all Holocene period. This fact gives a good reason to talk about “the Baikal type” of the lanthanides distribution different from the lanthanides distribution in the standards of clay shales (ES, NASC and PAAS). The spectrum of the lanthanides distribution can be considered constant for mineral components of the Holocene section of the Lake Kotokel also typical for eolian material of a modern aerosol of the Baikal region
Key words Key words: lanthanides; Holocene section of sapropel; organic substance; rock forming minerals; enrichment factors; clay shales; chondrite; Baikal silt; standard samples of comparison; eolian suspension
Article information Bobrov V., Leonova G., Maltsev A. Rare-earth elements (lantanoids) in the holocene section of sapropel lake Kotokel (Eastern Pre-Baikal Region) // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 2, pp.4-16
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