Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 323.3
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-1-54-61
Article type scientific
Annotation The necessity of using the model of social partnership in the implementation of state youth policy is substantiated. The analysis of the conditions, principles, mechanisms of social partnership with non-profit organizations within the framework of the state youth policy is given. The development of volunteering institution among non-profit organizations as a form of manifestation of civil society is considered. It is noted that the basis of the resource base of socially oriented non-profit organizations consists of the state budget, private and corporate donors, as well as support for volunteers. The idea of volunteering can be not only a way of expressing gratuitous help to society, but also a value guide, promoting patriotism and humanity. It was determined that in the conditions of modern Russia, volunteer practices are not sufficiently developed due to the lack of value attitudes towards selfless activities and the fragility of the system of non-profit organizations. The importance of forming a systematic work of state bodies and creating comprehensive programs to support socially oriented non-profit organizations is emphasized. The need to develop interaction between non-profit organizations and young people is indicated, which will ensure the achievement of the following results: development of volunteering, prevention of juvenile delinquency; prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction, promoting environmental protection. Non-profit organizations to a certain extent have an impact on society and its further transformation. The influence of the work of youth organizations on the participation of young people in volunteering is shown. The emphasis on youth activity through participation in various public organizations is an important element of the state of modern society research process due to the fact that the younger generation represents the main indicator of social change. The issues of support for socially-oriented non-profit organizations at the regional level to reduce social tensions and improve the efficiency of joint interaction are considered. A number of contradictions between the potential of volunteering in the Lipetsk region and the real situation with the activities of non-profit organizations declared in the official agenda of the regional authorities are described. It is noted that, acting as a partner in solving acute social problems, socially oriented organizations need the support of the state, which, having authority, can create the necessary conditions for the development of the volunteer movement in Russia
Key words Key words: youth; youth policy; socially oriented non-profit organization; volunteering; youth movement; social problems; social partnership; regional state youth policy; Lipetsk region; interaction of volunteering with the state
Article information Zaitseva I. Volunteering as a form of the youth movement in development of socially-oriented non-profit organization // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 1, pp.54-61
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