Authors Sekisov A.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 628.1
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-1-20-28
Article type scientific
Annotation It is noted that for the implementation of the proposed method of purifying water from dissolved iron, it is divided into two streams: a smaller one (20 l/h) underwent first electrochemical, and then photochemical treatment with the formation of first two-atom oxygen and hydrogen, metastable peroxide hydrogen, and then hydroxyl ions, hydroxonium ions, dioxide and hydrogen peroxide. Then, the treated water flow returned to the beginning of the purification process, that is, it was combined with the input water, which ensured the oxidation of ferrous compounds contained in the main volume of water in the pores and on the surface of the artificial catalytic material. It is indicated that the subsequent formation of ferric hydroxide on the surface of the main filler was carried out. It is shown that the coagulation process, obtained by the oxidation of iron hydroxide, provided silicon-quartz filler, processed before being placed in a filter in a photochemical reactor. Freshly formed iron hydroxide precipitated with filter material served as a sorbent for copper, arsenic and antimony. Samples of purified water were taken after passing every 10 liters. It was noted that the iron content in the first 30 l decreased after purification to 0,05 mg/l, copper to 0,01, arsenic less than 0,01, and antimony was not detected (less blank). After the breakthrough accumulation of water-polluting components (recorded increase in the content of iron, copper and arsenic, respectively, to 0,25, 0,18, 0,05 mg/l) after 100 l of missed water, the filter was regenerated by washing with tap water. Experimental verification of the proposed method of water treatment was carried out on an artificial water solution obtained by adding the waste water of the Darasun tailing to tap water at the rate of obtaining pH = 6,8 and reaching the content of ferrous iron (8,7 mg/l), arsenic (0.38 mg/l), copper (1,2 mg/l) and antimony (0,08 mg/l). It is concluded that the invention can be used to clean and improve the quality of groundwater. The method provides an increase in the biological value of water due to an increase in the content of dissolved oxygen in it and the formation of new active molecules during photochemical reactions between electrolytic oxygen and hydrogen
Key words Ключевые слова: система очистки (водоподготовки); электролиз воды; обезжелезивание; ультрафиолетовое излучение; электрохимический реактор; накопитель очищенной воды; фильтрационная колонна; гидроокись железа; марганец; ионы тяжелых металлов
Article information Sekisov A., Petukhov A., Лавров А., Gorban D. Improvement of groundwater deironing methods, based on the use of metastable peroxide compounds oxygen and hydrogen // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no. 1, pp.20-28
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