Article name Influence of digital economy on maintenance of economic safety of real sector of economy
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 338.1
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2018-24-9-82-89
Article type scientific
Annotation In the article the basic aspects of economic safety of real sector of economy in the conditions of digital economy development are considered. A basic element of digital economy development is an innovative economy, in which, as a basic subject of activity, a small enterprise acts. Statistical measurement of innovative activity of small enterprises shows, that intensity of innovative processes in small-scale business sphere remains low. The analysis of innovative activity indicators dynamics of small enterprises of industrial production in the Russian Federation for 2005–2015 is offered. The main problem of innovative business development is not a sufficient inflow of investments. Transition from innovative economy to digital is observed in digital technologies development and is an introduction of absolutely new or improved products, and also introduction of communication technologies. As a result the economy of that country is more competitive, which produces unique goods, the service which does not have a substitute, being based on the developed digital technologies and services. Priorities of innovative activity of small enterprises of industrial production are defined. The reasons influencing maintenance of level of economic safety in real sector of economy, in the conditions of digital technologies development are pointed out: shadow economic activities; safety maintenance of economic activities of a small enterprise; low competence of businessmen and experts. The basic mechanisms of digital economy development in the regional sector are offered: development of new researches and development of сommerce innovations in economy, development of state-private partnership, subsidising of expenses for development of regional centers of innovations’ support, propagation of «Сulture of digital economy» for the population through mass media and the internet, аttraction and attachment in scientific activity of young experts, introduction of individual grants system, formation of a regional system of supply with information for the purpose of digital technologies development
Key words Key words: economic safety; real sector of economy; innovation; digital economy; small business; investment and innovative activity; еconomic growth; investments; digital technologies; not observable economy
Article information Kisloshayev P., Kapitonova N. Influence of digital economy on maintenance of economic safety of real sector of economy // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 82-89
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