Article name Transformation of religious policy in the soviet state in the early stages of its development: A reflection of changes in normative legal acts
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 94:320(470)
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2018-24-8-65-75
Article type scientific
Annotation An analysis of changes in the religious policy of the Soviet state at the initial stages of its existence is given through reflection in legal acts. To characterize the transformations well-known acts are used, which became the object of study by scientists, so poorly known or practically not mentioned. The latter include, for example, the Decree of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR of the early 1930s. The source is the documents of the State Archive of the Russian Federation (SARF). It is noted that there is no special case study on this issue. An analysis of legal acts of different times suggests that, firstly, they largely reflect the state policy regarding religions, and secondly, despite the presence of some periods of a kind of “warming” of relations between the government and religious communities , the main focus of the policy was repressive. At the same time, the norms sanctioned by the state, in reality, were not always observed or violated by the authorities or their representatives. Since the actions of the authorities or their representatives are an expression of state policy, a certain “discrepancy” arises between the declared state in the regulatory legal acts and the realities of religious policy. It was concluded that, despite the seemingly versatile study of the regulatory framework of the Soviet Union, which regulated religious policy, not all acts were studied evenly. The problem of the implementation of norms in practice requires further analysis. Obvious is the need for further work with archival sources
Key words Key words: religion; religious policy; religious communities; religious organizations; legislation; normative legal acts; sources; USSR; transformation of religious politics; analysis
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Full articleTransformation of religious policy in the soviet state in the early stages of its development: A reflection of changes in normative legal acts