Article name Microelements in the surface waters of the Chegem gorge
Authors Ittiev A.B. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 504.064.36:543
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2018-24-8-16-28
Article type scientific
Annotation The authors have noted that the microelement composition of the high-mountainous watersheds of the Caucasus is characterized by a high content of trace elements, the reason for which is the abundance of ore-bearing rocks of very diverse lithologic composition and age, from the oldest (Precambrian) to the newest (Quaternary) rocks in their basins. The object of research in 2015 was the river of glacial origin – Chegem, during the winter intergeneration and summer high water. The conducted researches are actual, as the river Chegem is one of the water objects of the river Terek, which belongs to the river basin of the Caspian Sea. The initial background sampling point was the left source of the Chegem river Bashil-Auzusu, which is located at an altitude of 1800 m above sea level, and the closing flank was 47 km downstream – near the village of Khushtosyrt. The composition of surface waters for the content of trace elements Zn, Mn, Cu, Ag, Ni, Cr, Pb, Cd was studied. The water composition studies were carried out by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization, during which a list of the main microelements was determined, including Zn, Mn, Cu, Ni. It was revealed that the pollution of river waters with microelements in the upper reaches of the river Chegem has natural geochemical and geomorphological background, which is associated with the washing out of rocks. The content of microelements in the waters of the river is characterized by spatio-temporal variability. It was revealed that for the winter intergeneration the microelement load on the river is higher, in contrast to the summer flood, which is connected with the change of power sources from the underground more mineralized to the glacial one. It is determined that according to ecological classes of surface water quality of land the investigated waters are classified as clean and very clean. Also, background concentrations of trace elements detected, the further use of which will allow the development of regional maximum permissible concentrations (MPCreg)
Key words Key words: highlands of the Caucasus; glacial river; water regime; macro- and microelements; geology; geochemical background; geomorphological background; maximum permissible concentrations; pollution; Chegem gorge
Article information Gazaev Kh.-M., Ittiev A., Gazaev M., Agoeva E. MICROELEMENTS IN THE SURFACE WATERS OF THE CHEGEM GORGE // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 16–28
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Full articleMicroelements in the surface waters of the Chegem gorge