Article name Audit of staffing companies Engineering complex In the quality management system
Authors Leskova T.M. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 005.6
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2018-24-7-102-108
Article type scientific
Annotation It is noted that every machine-building enterprise faces the problem of personnel supply by qualified employees. Therefore, the priority area of activity is working with staff to create conditions for professional growth, increase labor motivation, develop a creative approach to the operations performed. Taking into account the peculiarities of the machine-building industry and high requirements to the quality of the products, the competence of each employee of the enterprise acquires special significance. Various methods and methods of organizing work on the development of labor resources are considered. The personnel of the enterprise influences the compliance of the products with the requirements, therefore it must undergo an audit of the competence of the employees as part of an integrated assessment of the implementation of the quality management system at the enterprise. To develop a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the state of human resources, the criteria for a system of personnel quality management in the engineering industry are defined. The main criteria for personnel assessment are: documentation, mentoring, continuous training, personnel turnover analysis, employee performance appraisal, internal audit of staffing, training in lean manufacturing tools, organization of competitions in the enterprise, research work, availability of cross-functional quality teams at the enterprise or “circles of quality”. These criteria are distinguished from a large number of areas of work with staff, as fundamental for assessing the quality of staffing in the machine-building industry. The developed methodology allows to evaluate the work in the field of personnel management using the system of weight coefficients. It is concluded that in order to improve the enterprise and increase its competitiveness, it is necessary to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of personnel activities as the main mechanism of the quality management system
Key words engineering; staffing; criteria for quality of personnel; methods of evaluation; QMS staff; lean manufacturing; cross-functional teams of quality; certification of personnel; mentoring; audit staff
Article information Leskova T., Gruzdeva L. Audit of staffing companies engineering complex in the quality management system // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 7, pp.
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Full articleAudit of staffing companies Engineering complex In the quality management system