Article name Mathematical modelling of the intense and deformed state around the pressure head tunnel, located in the zone of the intermountain depression
Authors Bayalieva Z.. candidate o f technical sciences, senior lecturer,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 622.271.322:531.781.2
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2018-24-7-4-17
Article type scientific
Annotation The distribution of stresses and deformations around the tunnel, when its cross-sectional shape is trapezoidal with developed vertical walls, and is located in the zone of intermountain depression influence, are established by the method of Kolosov – Muskhelishvili, taking into account the developed methodology and using the MATNCAD software environment. It is noted that the massifs of intermountain depressions experience the action of volumetric forces and tectonic compression, and the hydrostatic head acts on the contour of the tunnel. To determine the stress fields, a model of the initial stressed state of arrays with a mountain relief is constructed. The model is represented as a sum of four fields. The first stress field is an integral of differential equilibrium equations under the joint action of gravity force, quasi-static seismic force and horizontal tectonic forces. The second field characterizes the influence of two closely located mountains with a depression between them. The third field characterizes the emergence of a tunnel in a prestressed array from the first two fields. The fourth field arises from the pressure of water on the tunnel contour. The results of calculation of tension and deformations fields, with and without taking into account the existence of the tunnel are given.
Key words horizontal tectonic compression; hydrostatic pressure; deformation; conformal display; Muskhelishvili method; river canyon massifs; tension; gravitation force; elasticity
Article information
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Full articleMathematical modelling of the intense and deformed state around the pressure head tunnel, located in the zone of the intermountain depression