Article name National Agriculture of the Russian Federation in the structure of the global market
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 338; 348; 631
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­6-120-128
Article type Scientific
Annotation The national agriculture of Russia is considered as a priority branch of the economy in the structure of the global market. The regularities of the directions of the development of Russian agriculture connected with exports have been revealed. First of all, we are talking about the country\'s share in world trade in certain types of agricultural products. The following methods are used: analysis of statistical information, modeling of socio-economic processes, systemic and situational approaches related to the adaptation of the industry to global phenomena and processes. The comparative analysis of Russia\'s agriculture as one of the priority branches of the economy is given, the contribution to the welfare of the state is determined in comparison with the markets of the USA, Japan, and Western Europe. The statistics on the losses connected with introduction of sanctions is investigated. The quantitative and qualitative aspects of the negative impact on the economy of developed countries that are partners of Russia are characterized. Positive trends and results achieved in the country\'s agriculture have been assessed, which have led the export of certain products, for example cereals, to the leading positions, as well as the growth of agricultural land, and the increase in the yield of targeted use by the example of individual crops. A significant reduction in the physical volumes of exports was revealed, the main cause of which was a significant depreciation of the ruble. A model of accelerated import substitution in agriculture for the regions of Russia, which are leaders in the production and export of agricultural products
Key words agriculture; national market; global market; exports; food products; sanctions; adaptation of agricultural producers; the model of import substitution; branch; methods
Article information
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Full articleNational Agriculture of the Russian Federation in the structure of the global market