Article name Cultural Branding in of the context of the design of the image of the Chinese regions (on the example of Jiansuu province)
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 008+323+327 (510)
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-6-76-81
Article type Scientific
Annotation It is noted that in the PRC cultural branding of regions is an innovative mechanism for increasing the competitiveness of the regional cultural industry and the development of the territories as a whole. The very phenomenon in China is subjected to a thorough scientific analysis, which precedes the development of regional strategies with specific characteristics. An analysis of the current state, potential opportunities and specificity of cultural branding in Jiangsu Province of China is given. It is shown that the cultural brand “Wonderful Jiangsu” is one of the influential regional brands of the People\'s Republic of China. Based on the rich cultural and historical heritage of the local-regional cultures of Jinling, Chu, Han, Wu, Jianghai, maritime culture, the Jiangsu cultural brand has persistent distinctive features and high competitiveness in the domestic and international markets. The cultural brand “Wonderful Jiangsu” makes a significant contribution to the consolidation of the country and the “soft power” of Chinese culture. In order to increase the international attractiveness of the regional cultural brand of Jiangsu Province, on the one hand, innovative cultural products are being developed that combine world cultural achievements and traditional features of Chinese culture, and on the other, intercultural interaction in the form of cultural exchanges with creative teams, products, etc. is expanding., cultural representation, cooperation in the cultural and humanitarian spheres.The following distinctive features of the Chinese strategy of building a cultural brand of the region are revealed: a harmonious combination of traditions and innovations; the promotion of Chinese culture to the outside world, the active implementation of foreign cultural innovations and resources. Cultural branding is an innovative mechanism for China\'s regional policy, requiring detailed research
Key words cultural branding; image of regions; cultural industry; “soft power” of culture; Jiangsu Province; China, Chinese regions; strategy; interaction; innovative mechanism
Article information Ni Tsyaotsyao. Cultural Branding in of the context of the design of the image of the Chinese regions (on the example of Jiansuu province) // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 76-81
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Full articleCultural Branding in of the context of the design of the image of the Chinese regions (on the example of Jiansuu province)