Article name Modern technologies of forming the image of the state
Authors Davyborets E.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 324
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-2-66-73
Article type Scientific
Annotation The image of the state in the modern information society is an important factor of its well-being, which affects the internal socio-political, economic processes, as well as international relations. The formation of its favorable image puzzled all civilized states at the present stage of development. Two important areas are the transformation of the state itself, as well as an effective information policy for its presentation to the world community and its citizens. In the article, the authors examine political technologies aimed at creating a stable and emotionally colored image of the state. Among such technologies, the creation of “information reasons” to attract public attention. These are also political “performances” – playing out current events in such a way that they attract the attention of citizens. The production of political myths, capable of representing the state on a favorable side and capturing in the minds of the public, has become a widespread phenomenon of modern political practice. The internal image of the state can also be based on creating a threat and “exacerbating the situation”, which actualizes patriotism, civil self-consciousness and fosters the image of a cohesive nation-state with a strong leader at the head. Another political technology – the “image legend” – is a bright emotionally saturated story, capable of making important image of the core of the image. An effective way to enhance the image is the visualization of information – various kinds of advertising products – videos, banners, posters, booklets, etc., which helps to make the image multifaceted and vivid, capture in the public mind. The popular trend of state image at the present stage is territorial branding – creation of a vivid image of the territory, which includes external and internal attributes, whereby the territory turns into an independent competitive product, contributing, among other things, to the formation of a favorable image of the state. In the arsenal of political technologists there is also an arsenal of means for presenting the state to a foreign audience – through public diplomacy. The present article is devoted to the analysis of the mentioned image technologies.
Key words state image; political technologies; mass consciousness management; ideologization; myth; conditions for creating an image; political “performances”; “image legend”; branding; creation of “information reasons”
Article information Davyborets E., Kuzmina O., Tantsura M. Modern technologies of forming the image of the state // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 66-73
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Full articleModern technologies of forming the image of the state