Article name Business organization and business environment in terms of synergy paradigm
Bibliographic description Romanova N., Polutova M. Business organization and business environment in terms of synergy paradigm // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 96–106
Category Politology
DOI 331.1
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­1-­96­-106
Article type Scientific
Annotation The main characteristic features and structures of modern entrepreneurial organizations are considered. An attempt is made to analyze the business environment using a synergetic methodology: within the framework of chaos theory, fractal theory, bifurcation theory, catastrophe theory, etc. An estimation of the use in the theory of entrepreneurship of a synergetic paradigm and its tools with the help of which the development and self-organization of complex socio-economic systems : turbulent, or vortex environment, dynamic chaos, bifurcation, attractors and fractals, etc. The following conclusions are presented: 1) business organizations are organic systems possessing certain characteristic features that reflect the entrepreneurial nature; 2) the business environment is a complex open system consisting of internal and external environment; 3) the use of the methodology of the synergetic paradigm gives a certain perspective in the study of entrepreneurship; 4) within the framework of the synergetic theory, directions have been identified that make it possible to explain the phenomena and processes occurring in the modern entrepreneurial environment. It is established that only with the help of synergetics can the principles of a new picture of the world
Key words business organization; business environment; synergetic theory; turbulent or vortex medium; dynamic chaos; bifurcation; attractors and fractals; laminar environment; fractional dimension; reliability of forecasts
Article information
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Full articleBusiness organization and business environment in terms of synergy paradigm