Article name The russian and foreign experience of modernization as the basis for sustainable and long-term development policy
Bibliographic description Бейдина Т. Е., Попов Ю. А. Опыт российской и зарубежной модернизации как основа устойчивого и долгосрочного развития политики // Вестн. Забайкал. гос. ун-та. 2018. Т. 24. № 1. С. 51–58
Category Politology
DOI 11.25.25; 11.25.42
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245­-2018­-24-­1-­51­-58
Article type Scientific
Annotation It is noted that modernization is collective in nature and it is understood as political changes in all spheres of life. It is shown that the following modernization models exist: endogenous and exogenous, organic, secondary, internal and external. It is revealed that governance and power are undoubtedly associated with "modernity" or modernization, which affects political practices. It is shown that in the theory of political modernization the complex problems concerning possible crises of political development in the process of changes are touched upon. It is established that modernization theory is a very complex concept. The concept of T. Parsons, which relates to modernity, includes the following features: adaptation, differentiation, integration and secularization. The preconditions for accelerating the socio-political progress and the circumstances of the increase in the adaptive resources of the political system have been paralyzed. The situation has been substantiated, according to which the differences in the approaches to its definition of modernization are caused by the systemic development of the society. It is concluded that exogenous modernization allows to achieve the import of modern socio-political technologies, socio-political practices, institutions
Key words political modernization; Russia's modernization; modernization of foreign policy; models of modernization; modernization process; China; USA; Russian Federation; international standards; sustainable development
Article information
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