Article name Agro-production aspects of desertification in the steppe zone of Eastern Transbaikalia: linking crop productivity and ecosystem services
Bibliographic description Gomboeva N., Novikov А., Gilfanova V. Agro-production aspects of desertification in the steppe zone of Eastern Transbaikalia: linking crop productivity and ecosystem services // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2017, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 4-13. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-12-4-13.
Category Earth science
DOI 911.3:636.2 (571.55)
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2017-23-12-4-13
Article type Original article
Annotation The article presents the results of studying the interrelations between the productivity of crop production and services of steppe ecosystems of the Eastern Transbaikalia under conditions of progressive desertification. The study is based on the views of a number of authors on regional climatic cycles, which, on a large factual basis, prove that the current development of the territories of Central Asia in general and its northeastern province (to which the study area belongs) is determined in particular by an increase in the mean annual air temperature and reduced moisture. Since the beginning of 2000 the progressive desertification caused by climate aridization led to profound changes in the system of agricultural land use. The following data were used to assess the productivity of crop production: results of a survey of arable land for humus content; potential yield of cereals calculated according to the chosen method; actual grain yield. The carried out research allows to state that the decrease in natural fertility of arable land, which is one of the consequences of desertification, is aggravated by a sharp decrease in the amount of fertilizers introduced into the soil. As a result of regularly recurring droughts, reduction in a number of agricultural enterprises and a number of other causes of natural and socio-economic nature, the region’s crop sector is in deep crisis
Key words Eastern Transbaikalia, steppes, desertification, plant growing, ecosystem services, agrarian land use, natural fertility, landscape area, arable land, agroclimatic risks
Article information
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Full articleAgro-production aspects of desertification in the steppe zone of Eastern Transbaikalia: linking crop productivity and ecosystem services