Article name Stale gold-bearing tailings of the Baleizoloto plant and the problem of their disposal
Authors Shumilova L.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 549.622.775
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-4-45-54
Article type
Annotation The relevance of the research is the need to recultivate the waste from the enrichment of gold-bearing ores that lie in the immediate vicinity of the residential areas of Baley city, which have a negative impact on the environmental situation in it, as well as to develop a technological approach to the extraction of gold and silver. The purpose of the study is to study the material composition and develop a technology for extracting precious metals. The object of the study is the stale tailings of the ZIF-1 plant “Baleizoloto”. The subject of the study is mineral composition of stale tailings, content of useful components and their extraction technology, the method and methodology presented by mineralogical and chemical analyses of enrichment tailings. Results. The analysis of the tailings dumps’ state of the gold recovery factories of the Baleizoloto plant was carried out. The contents of gold and other chemical elements, among which arsenic, zinc, copper, antimony, and lead predominate, were determined. The gold content prevails in the stale tailings of the ZIF-1 factory, which processed the ores of the Baley deposit, and is in the range of 1.09-1.37 g / t, on average – 1.17 g/t. This determines the prospects for their primary processing. The gold in the clay-sand fraction of the stale tailings is mainly found in thin accretions with quartz, carbonates, pyrite, arsenopyrite, sulfosols, and tellurides. The field of application is processing of technogenic raw materials. Conclusions. It was determined that the sizes of gold inclusions are in the range of 0.7-0.03 mm, the gold penetration varies from 63 to 91.15, and on average is 82.13; the main impurity in gold is silver with a content of 8.85-37%; the average silver content in the tailings of the ZIF-1 factory is 1.85 g/t; the recommended technological scheme for processing stale tailings of ZIF-1 of the Baleizoloto plant has been developed, including the following operations: photoelectron-activation preparation, pelletizing with active solution, heap leaching, two-stage sorption with bubbling with ozone
Key words stale tailings; Baleysko-Taseyevskoye (Baleyskoye) ore field; gold; sulfides; sulfosols; tellurides; photoelectroactivation preparation; pelletizing; heap leaching; sorption; ozone
Article information Yurgenson G., Shumilova L., Khatkova A. Stale gold-bearing tailings of the Baleizoloto plant and the problem of their disposal // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 45–54. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-4-45-54.
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Full articleStale gold-bearing tailings of the Baleizoloto plant and the problem of their disposal